Beatrix Weapons proudly presents her latest collaboration titled "Cuddle" with the talented Japanese artist, Dove. This captivating track serves as the second advance single from her upcoming EP, 'Celestial Town,' which is set to be released under Virgin Music LAS Spain. "Cuddle" delivers a melodic-experimental EDM sound that seamlessly blends with the refined vocals of Dove, known for her exceptional presence in the Asian underground pop scene. Beatrix skillfully crafted the production to encompass a melancholic yet fresh atmosphere that harmonizes with the melody and structure of the beat.
The visually stunning cover artwork for the single and EP was masterfully designed by artist Nil Fernandez. His imaginative creations perfectly complement the essence of the song and the EP, providing a brilliant visual representation of Beatrix Weapons' artistic vision. Fans can expect a captivating and immersive experience that extends beyond the music itself.
To witness Beatrix Weapons' incredible talent firsthand, mark your calendars for her live performance on June 8th at the Boiler Room x Primavera Sound event. It's an opportunity you won't want to miss as she takes the stage and showcases her electrifying presence and captivating music.
Stay tuned for the release of 'Celestial Town' EP, and prepare to embark on a journey through Beatrix Weapons' enchanting musical universe.