Brian Breach is a name that has been making waves in the world of viral marketing and content creation. As a public relations expert and keynote speaker, he has established himself as a true genius in the realm of music and social media. But who is Brian Breach, and what exactly does he do?
Brian Breach describes himself as an entertainer, a social media influencer (though he's not a fan of the term), a Tedx speaker, the founder of Make Me Viral Media, and a long-time entrepreneur. With an impressive array of skills and experiences, Brian has leveraged his negative life experiences to propel himself forward and achieve great success.

Growing up, Brian showed signs of his entrepreneurial flair from an early age. He was always looking for ways to make money, from selling handmade bracelets to organizing games and selling candy for a profit. While he may have been a bit quiet during his younger years, Brian's friends and family describe him as caring, highly motivated, and always willing to go above and beyond to help others.
Brian's entrepreneurial journey took a unique turn when his arrests in 2006 prevented him from securing a traditional 9-5 job. This setback forced him to tap into his entrepreneurial spirit, which had been brewing inside him for years. Brian understood the importance of discipline and self-motivation in the world of entrepreneurship, where there is no one to tell you what to do or hold you accountable. He knew he had to be the driving force behind his own success.

The entrepreneurial fire within Brian was ignited during his senior year of high school when he took a business class. Inspired by the class and fueled by his research on successful entrepreneurs, Brian knew he wanted to pursue this path. He quickly learned the dos and don'ts of the entrepreneurial world, embracing the mindset of independence and the willingness to learn from failures.
Brian's journey to launching his business, Make Me Viral Media, was a progression over time. It all started with his foray into the world of hip hop music, where he and his friend organized hip hop shows and learned the ropes of event management and making money as artists and entrepreneurs. This experience led to the creation of an independent label called GTPS and a hip hop blog called Get That Paper Son (getthatpaperson). Through their independent label, Brian and his friend honed their social media skills and discovered a knack for growing their online presence.
After Brian's video went viral and he gained insights into social media algorithms and strategies, he began implementing what he learned into his business. Make Me Viral Media became a full-service marketing agency, specializing in helping individuals, businesses, and brands reach a wider audience. Their services include securing features in major online publications, social media management, content creation, and even helping clients appear on local news outlets to share their stories. What sets Make Me Viral Media apart is the fact that they are influencers themselves, having lived and experienced the journey they guide their clients through.
Apart from Make Me Viral Media, Brian is currently working on an exciting project - the creation of an all-outdoor content creation space. This space aims to provide content creators with themed areas for shooting videos, photoshoots, and podcasts. It will also serve as a venue for various events, from baby showers to wedding parties, offering a unique and vibrant environment.When it comes to going viral and becoming a social media influencer, Brian advises individuals to use their platforms responsibly. He believes that true influencers should strive to make positive changes in people's lives and use their voices to motivate and inspire.
Q&A with Brian Breach
For our readers who may not be familiar with you, tell us who Brian Breach is and what you do.
I've always considered myself a man of many hats and a jack of all trades. I like to do it all. These days I consider myself an entertainer, social media "influencer" (I'm not a fan of that word but I guess that's what they're calling it these days), a Tedx speaker, founder of Make Me Viral Media and a long time Entrepreneur. I've used all my negative life experiences to propel myself forward over and over again. Over the last couple of years or so with the combination of the social experiment i shot that went viral, and my Tedx talk I've been able to speak around the country to people about being an entrepreneur as well as how to increase your chances of going viral and have been blessed with such amazing opportunities from magazine features, radio, tv, podcasts etc.. With everything I do I make sure it brings some kind of positive impact to people's lives as well. Encompassing that aspect of things into my way of life has always been extremely important to me.
What were you like growing up that led you to being to the way you are today? How would your friends and family have described you?
Before the days of truly being an entrepreneur I spent my elementary and middle school years figuring out ways to make money and that mentality always stuck with me. From the day I came out of my mothers womb I would consider myself a hustler. I would do everything from make bracelets out of beads and sell them, make paper airplanes in bulk, play games everyday such as flips and try to win money, buy candy from the corner store for a quarter and flip it for 75 cents etc When I was younger I would say I was a little more quiet because I liked to listen and observe what's going on around me, always picking up knowledge. Friends and family would describe me as a caring individual who likes to go out of his way to help people. Everyone I know knows I've always been highly motivated and I never stop moving forward no matter how many messed up scenarios in life are thrown my way.
When did your entrepreneurial flair first reveal itself?
My story was a little bit different than others in the sense that my arrests in 2006 prevented me at that time from getting another 9-5 for a while, so I was in a sense thrown to the wolves and had no choice although I've had the entrepreneurial spirit in me long before that time. It takes a ton of discipline. Remember when you decide to become an entrepreneur you no longer have anyone telling you what to do, what time to be somewhere, or holding you accountable. You have to be that person for yourself. Not everybody has the ability to do that. There are some people in this world that can not function unless there's someone micromanaging them. You have to get out of that mindset extremely quick and get into the independent mindset ASAP! I've known from the first time I ever took a business class with my teacher Mr. Evans my senior year that I wanted to become an entrepreneur so I spent a lot of time researching other entrepreneurs to check out the kinda moves they were making. Once you go out on your own and leave the 9-5 world behind you adapt very quickly and start learning the do's and don'ts. You're going to fail very often but it's within those failures where you learn, grow, and adjust to it.
So what led to you launching your business Make Me Viral Media?
Building up to launching different businesses was basically progression over time. It truly started when I got a little older and stepped into the world of making hip hop music, my good friend Lex One and I would throw hip hop shows and perform on those shows ourselves. We would do everything from securing the venue, to booking the major artist to perform, hiring the door girl, negotiating what the club made from the bar and booking ourselves to open for the headliner. It was basically us as hip hop artists also being entrepreneurs and figuring out ways to make money doing it. That was my first real taste I would say of making legitimate money as a young entrepreneur. That turned into an independent label called GTPS, which turned into a hip hop blog called getthatpaperson, which turned into a printing business/music studio etc. During the times of our independent label we learned how to grow social media for our artists and social media is something I see like the Matrix so the business stuck and then grew. After I had my video go viral and I learned all aspects of Social Media i began implementing everything I learned into my business & then being able to duplicate the same success for my clients.
What are some of the obstacles you have faced growing your business and how did you overcome them?
For me it was slightly tricky only because of the fact that I changed trajectories so many times and my followers on social media didn't always see the entrepreneurial side of the things I was doing. I was known for quite a while as someone who makes music which is
actually what got me verified on Instagram and Facebook to begin with. It wasn't until 2017 in which I quit music and switched things up entirely. From one second to the next I started shooting alot of funny viral content because I didn't want to lose my audience after I exited the music realm. So for about a year and with new followers consistently coming in I became known for shooting these viral videos. After I was given the opportunity to give a Tedx Talk and months later something I shot going internationally viral the combination of those two got me to start speaking around the country about being an entrepreneur which helped me establish myself on that side of things. Most of the hardships I've experienced as an entrepreneur was failing time and time again but it's through every failure in which you learn something new. Failing is the way to succeeding and is necessary if you truly want to get to where you want to be.
Tell us about going viral. How did it happen? How did your life change after? Going Viral was an incredible experience for me. When I did change trajectories from music to shooting funny content I remember writing on a white board that I have 1 year to go viral, if not I would change trajectories again and right at the end of the year it happened. Long story short during Christmas I stood outside of Target dressed as a homeless man asking people for money to help my family out for the holidays and whoever ended up giving me a dollar or 50 cents, I stopped them as they walked away and gave them $100 bill in return for being such a giving person. I ended up handing out $500 that day. The story got picked up by channel 7 news and once that aired I got calls from Fox News, CNN, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, Inside Edition and a ton more. I got messages from Russia, Greece, Hawaii that people have seen it there as well. It was pretty crazy. After that I kept shooting bigger content and I never let the buzz die down from it. Since then I've gotten so many endless opportunites & I've been extremely grateful. I'm glad that the one video that went beyond viral was one that positively impacted lives.
Tell us about your company Make Me Viral Media and what is it you guys do? Well make me Viral Media is a full service marketing agency. We are extremely good at helping individuals, businesses & brands to get themselves out there and reach a wider audience. We do everything from helping get our clients featured in major online publications, we help them with all their social media management and content creation, as well as help get them on local news across the country so they can go out there and actually tell their story. The difference between us and other basic marketing agencies is the fact that we are all influencers ourselves and have lived everything we do for our clients. We don’t just come out and help you shoot your content, we actually help come up with and strategize their viral topics for them. Me are able to help maximize their reach while everyone else just simply hired a videographer to shoot their content.
Other than Make Me Viral Media what else are you currently working on at the moment? Aside from my marketing agency i’m currently working on building out the first all outdoor content creation space for anyone that needs a place to shoot content. And let me tell you, this isn’t just any place to shoot your content. This is more like a content creators disneyland. Each area is going to be built out into a themed space where not only will you be able to shoot your videos, photoshoots, & podcasts but you will also be able to have your events there from baby showers, wedding parties, graduations, quinces and anything else you can think of. We’ve been in the process of building out for the last month and should be up and running in the next month or so.
What practical advice do you have for others looking to go viral and become a social media influencer? What are the first three tasks someone should complete? Well the issue with being an influencer is that half these people they consider "influencers" are influencing their followers in ridiculous ways. If you were lucky enough to be given a platform where people support you then you should use that voice to make positive changes in people's lives as much as you can. When I changed trajectories from music to shooting skits, pranks, and social experiments I started getting legitimate gigs after a few things I did went viral and mostly after my Tedx Talk. Even during the times I was shooting those funny videos I still made it a point to incorporate motivation somewhere in there as well as spend a lot of time in My DM's trying to help people with their problems when they would ask me for advice. So the art of influencing is about being true to yourself and who you are, all while motivating people in a way that can positively affect their life. The first 3 tasks and things you need to be aware of when going down that path is #1 you can't be afraid to be out content even if it's not your favorite. You never know which piece of content is going to resonate with someone. #2 try to leave easter eggs in all your videos to spark comments and even create conversations about the video which is what will boost you up in the algorithms. #3 Develop thick skin because the internet can be a ruthless place.